EBAFOSA is the first, all inclusive policy framework and implementation platform that targets concrete action at the strategic policy level and operational level toward combating Africa’s major challenges - food insecurity, environmental degradation & climate change, poverty and unemployment. It seeks to achieve these through optimizing Africa’s agro-value chain and promoting renewable energy investments to catalyze rural agro-industries as well as providing technical backstopping to countries to domesticate grandeur global and continental development blue prints that hold much promise for Africa’s development – specifically the AU Agenda 2063, the AMCEN endorsed 2nd Africa Adaptation Gap Report, the SDGs, Agenda 2030 and the Post COP21 Agreement. EBAFOSA strength and comparative advantage is in leveraging an innovative approach that targets building mutually beneficial partnerships between solutions providers for implementation actions. EBAFOSA convenes a solutions space bringing together key stakeholders from government & the public sector, the private sector, academia & research, NGOs, CSOs, international organizations and individual publics to forge mutual partnerships aimed at solving the highlighted challenges by optimizing both the agro-sector and renewable energy through upscaling EBA driven agriculture and its value chains into policy & implementation through a country driven process.
EBAFOSA Activities EBAFOSA activities are wholly dependent on cash and in-kind contributions from partners and stakeholders. Every donation to EBAFOSA is considered as an investment toward a food secured, socially & economically inclusive and environmentally sustainable Africa. Whether you decide to make a one-off donation or a monthly recurrent donation, EBAFOSA promise is that the donation you make will be used to actualize a food secured Africa that is environmentally sustainable and economically inclusive. Currently, up to 240 million people or 25% in Africa go to bed hungry, over 200 million suffer malnutrition which also contributes to over 50% of infant mortality. It is however worth noting that an optimized agro sector based on EBA-driven agriculture and linkages to commercial value chains can ensure not only food and nutritional security with up to 128% increases in yields, but enhanced ecosystems, climate adaptation and create as many as 17million jobs and catalyze an ago-sector projected to be worth US$ 1trillion by 2030. Consequently optimizing the agro-sector in Africa through embracing EBA and linking these to commercial value chains is a potential “silver bullet” that EBAFOSA seeks to leverage. Promoting renewable energy along drawing on this chain, and expanding supply beyond traditional main-grids to including mini-grid, off-grids e.g. solar home systems will bridge the current energy gap where an estimated 621million Africans, over 60% of the population has no electricity and the gap is expanding. Expanding clean energy access including to rural Africa where 70% of Africans reside and are dependent on agriculture can catalyze the growth of rural industries mostly agro-based.
Why make a monthly commitment and become a regular EBAFOSA donor?
EBAFOSA work targets all 54 African countries and to date, work is ongoing in 35 countries with rapid expansion towards the target of 54. EBAFOSA work is long-term driven by the vision of a food secure, environmentally sustainable, socially & economically inclusive Africa creating jobs and income opportunities for all. When you set up a regular donation to EBAFOSA, you become part of this long-term work to address the continent’s pressing challenges and rapidly transform Africa toward a shining city on a hill. For donations received from actors in Africa, 80% of donations will be dedicated to support interventions in the respective country while the reminder 20% will be utilized to cover other countries and support operational and contingency costs of EBAFOSA including emergency support to countries on an as-is-needed basis. Donations received from international partners and donors outside Africa will be used to universally support EBAFOSA interventions across Africa.
Benefits to Regular EBAFOSA donors

Regular donors are eligible to the following direct and indirect benefits:
1. Privilege of receiving unedited working documents of the EBAFOSA
2. To influence government policy indirectly through EBAFOSA by submitting to the EBAFOSA Secretariat written contributions to these unedited working documents of the EBAFOSA for distribution to Government stakeholders;
3. Social capital and status – EBAFOSA will issue Silver, Gold and Platinum status and recognition to committed donors. These will be recognized as “champions of a food secured, inclusively growing and environmentally sustainable Africa”.

During the sessions of the EBAFOSA regular donors are entitled:
1. To attend the plenary, and any Ministerial or high level consultations as observers;
2. To circulate written statements to Governments through the EBAFOSA secretariat;
3. To make oral statements during the discussions of the EBAFOSA at the invitation of the chairperson.
4. To utilize the EBAFOSA public space i.e. events, online, publications etc., to promote their products and services to a wider market - corporate branding opportunities